For Immediate Release Contact: Gretchen Augustin
Monday, June 22nd, 2020 305-542-1036
The Lord’s Prayer-Lapriyè Senyè a
Miami, FL - Parents, especially those of Haitian descent struggling to find ways to help their children learn Haitian Creole and bible verses will soon have a groundbreaking resource to assist them with the new bilingual book, The Lord’s Prayer-Lapriyè Senyè a, the first in a series of children’s books will be launched in September.
Authored by Berwick Augustin, The Lord’s Prayer, is the first book in an inspiring series focusing on biblical scriptures for parents to teach and discuss with their children. The book is about six kids from various cultural backgrounds who experience elements of the Lord’s Prayer through everyday interactions. In the process, they learn about forgiveness, repentance, provision, self empowerment, and acceptance. In addition to learning how to pray, they also learn how to live out the words and turn the prayers into action.
Berwick Augustin was moved to create the project as he and his wife began to teach their three children bible verses in English. They quickly realized there were very few Haitian-Creole picture books written to assist with both learning the language and memorizing scripture. “I grew up in a home that tattooed faith and culture in the fabric of my identity. As a former immigrant student and current educator, I know the tremendous cognitive benefits of speaking two languages,” says the author. “This book has allowed me to creatively weave my identity through vivid illustrations, bilingual texts, and discussion questions to empower all children to know that God created them just as they are,” Augustin continues. Such a powerful message is timely and relevant considering the state of the world as it pertains to race and equality. The storyline will hook children’s attention from start to finish.
The Lord’s Prayer-Lapriyè Senyè a is scheduled to be released on September 19th, 2020 and will be available in kindle and paperback formats. Readers can enjoy early bird discounts if they pre-order their copies on Amazon or the author’s website. will also feature accompanying merch to enhance the book’s experience.
Berwick Augustin is a multifaceted individual. Born in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti and raised in Little Haiti (Miami, FL), Berwick has been afforded a world of nuances to write culturally vivid stories with impactful life lessons. He has spent over a decade educating the next generation as a teacher and administrator. He began his writing career as a poet, playwright, and spoken word artist. Among his most recent books are The 1803-Hatian Flag and Black Freedom Series with accompanying curriculum workbooks (K-12). He is the brainchild behind Evoke180 and Native Legacy.
Media Contact: Gretchen Augustin